Boost Your On-Field Team’s Performance With a Mapping App
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Boost Your On-Field Team’s Performance With a Mapping App

maginary Mr Bean is a sales representative working in a pharmaceutical company. On a daily basis, he has to visit around 20-30 customers to pitch their recently launched drug. Initially, when he visited customers, all he had was the CRM data with the names and address. It was difficult for Mr Bean to identify the exact location of customers. Searching for each customers’ location manually on Google Maps was not feasible. Besides, traffic, unavailability, meeting cancellations hampered his productivity, causing him to focus more on the unproductive tasks. The situation was the same for other reps too. So, Mr. Lee. the sales manager (also imaginary) brought in a Dynamics CRM Map tool to see the results. And here’s how this mobile app turns out to be their best investment. (Also, learn how it can help your sales reps and you.) 1. Optimized Routes While working on the field, Mr Bean has to visit many customers/leads in a day. Without proper routing, he found it difficult to reach all customers on time. Sometimes he ends up taking a long route, other times, he gets stuck in traffic. Plus, the traveling time is all a waste. After visiting one client, he has to plan a route for another again. Google Maps helped him with the shortest route and traffic. But that wasn’t productive – planning a meeting with a route separately for each client. Optimized Routes A Dynamics 365 map app provides optimi